basic info

full name: stevie paige hotchner (nee: moreno.)
age & birthdate: november 1st, 1984; 30.
hometown: santa barbara, ca.
residence: cherry grove, nc.
occupation: nurse practitioner.
education: UCLA; school of nursing.
transportation: tba
relationship status: married to Devlin Shane Hotchner.
sexual orientation: heterosexual
children: quinn paige (5, april 14, 2009) and colton shane (january 23, 2013, 2.)
other family: kevin (35), jesse (32); [brothers].

likes & dislikes

LIKES: shopping, scrubs, ponytails, good sneakers, the color teal, tattoos, seafood, good chicken soup, frozen yougart, cheeseless pizza, kids - most days.

DISLIKES: cooking, cleaning, most domestic chores, snobby people, her parents, most of her parents' friends, holidays, poopy diapers, anything creative, criminals, old dudes that look like criminals, diary products.



The Moreno's were rich, but trashy. At least, that is how their youngest child describes them. They had a nice home and the ability to give their kids anything they wanted - but they acted like they had no education and, overall, no sense. Everything that happened, involving them, turned into some form of drama. By the time their youngest child was a teenager, she was over it. Stevie learned how to take care of herself – and in a much more classy manner than her parents would have taught her – if only for the sake of everyone who ever had to deal with her and their dignity and patience.

It should have been no real shock that the minute that she could run off, she did. Fortunately, it was to college but soon after that, it turned to a man. She met her future husband while in college and their relationship went from 0 to 100 quick. They were married before her parents even knew that she had a boyfriend and given her trust fund and inheritance, they were sure it wasn't real. Much to her parents' dismay and with two kids under their belt, they have proved her parents wrong thus far and are happy...and, somewhat, well-adjusted to the world.

Stevie Paige Moreno was born November 1, 1984 in Santa Monica, CA, preceded by two brothers, two and five years before. If not for her mother’s inability to remember to take birth control pills or always never having time for an extended surgery, Stevie (nor her brothers) probably would have ever been born. But since they were, all three were raised primarily by a string of nannies as well as other domestic staff that became more like family than their actual parents. The boys did not mind but, as she grew older, Stevie did. In fact, she always made attempts to be with her parents – making them label her as whiney, needy, and clingy – but it was to no avail. Eventually, she just came to resent them for their lack of caring and left it at that.

On materialistic levels, some would say that the Moreno kids were spoiled. Their parents gave them everything that they wanted, everything that they didn’t want, and a credit card for whatever they missed. The boys were forced into sports; Stevie was placed into dance, gymnastics, and anything girly – all of which was just to keep them out of the house for as many hours a week as possible. The only time they were truly welcome was when their parents were having a party – then, they were paraded around like medals, even though neither Daniel nor Marie could tell you their child’s favorite…anything.

Stevie got through high school, but barely. Her grades were decent but she hated life enough that graduation could not come fast enough and she did just about anything to pass the time. Unfortunately, homework was not at the top of that list and so her high school education left something to be desired. Either way, she managed to get into college and took off for a three month long road trip after graduation. She returned home just in time to pack up and move away to school, not even taking the time to stop and say “hello” to her parents during the transition.

In August 2002, Stevie set up shop in LA for her first semester at UCLA. That first year – two semesters and a summer of screwing around the city – was spent with her trying to figure out where she wanted to go in life. She did not have a clue and her parents had certainly never pushed her to figure it out. Eventually, she decided to just go with nursing. Not because she necessarily loved the idea of helping sick people, but because – to her parents, nursing was a menial job, something that she was well-above. It would tick them off that she actually chose to do that with her life and that alone was good enough reason to do it. Eventually, she ended up with a Master of Science in Nursing – Advanced Practice and became a Nurse Practitioner.

In 2005, three years before she graduated with her Master’s and one year before her Bachelor’s, she married Devlin Shane Smith (eventually changed to Hotchner) – another student at UCLA with whom she had a whirlwind romance. Her parents were never aware of her even having a boyfriend before she showed up married and they were absolutely unhinged, believing that he was only after her for her trust fund and that their marriage would never work. Devlin, after all, had come from a “hard” life and certainly was not someone that her parents ever would have chosen for her. They were wrong about him and their marriage and Stevie has always told them so.

With ten years and two kids, you would think that they would have proved her parents wrong but that wasn’t the case. Her parents have continued to hate him throughout the years – even though they seemed to have taken pity on their “half-breed” grandchildren and love them dearly, the few times a year that they actually get to see them. Stevie is closest to her brothers, though her brothers tend to steer clear of family gatherings because they are always standing on the border between Stevie and Devlin and their parents. They always get hit hardest when Stevie blows her top and starts screaming at the top of her lungs – but they understand where she is coming from and always forgive her in the end.



PB: Dominique Geisendorff.
Writing: Third person, past tense, storybook. EST. Threads and customs are preferred.
Journal: ~steviepaige
OOC Contact: contact post.
CREDIT: tjwest, with modifications by ennk and autumncole.